Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Self Made Study Guide 34-49

Rabbit Proof Fence
Study Guide for pgs. 34-49
Choose two (2) of the following to complete after each chapter: (Please label your choice.)

1. Main Ideas: Write the main idea for the chapter as a newspaper headline. Then write a one-paragraph article to back up your headline. The article should show me why the headline captures the main idea.
2. Visualizing: Draw a sketch from a scene in the chapter. (No stick figures!)
3. Identifying: Write a paragraph relating something from the chapter to your life.
4. Anticipating: At the end of the chapter, write a prediction for what will happen next. Pretend that a person from the book visits a fortune teller. In one paragraph, describe their interaction; use dialogue, body language, and be sure to include the prediction!
5. Recall: Pretend you are writing for Cliffs Notes; write a one-paragraph summary of what happened in the chapter in your own words.

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