Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Dramatic Retelling

Global Literature Group:______________________
Unit: Australia ____________________________

Dramatic Retelling

On your own, read the personal story/ies of a person who was affected by the Stolen Generation. Then, as a group, look for a theme or themes that emerge from your story that also connects with Rabbit Proof Fence. Remember, a theme is a message about life or human nature that is “hidden” in the story that the writer tells. Then, decide the best way to tell the story of your character(s), the themes you explored, and the emotions that follow their stories. Your goal is to move beyond a factual retelling of the story, but instead use literary tools to create an artistic interpretation of the story exposing connecting themes between the two accounts.
Remember that this is a very serious subject. This is not a place to resort to farce, limericks, etc. Everyone in your group must participate fully and everyone must read at least once.
Your production should be about 3-5 minutes long and well-rehearsed.

Here are some options (You may combine these ideas if you’d like):

1. Create a poetic reading about the themes you have chosen to highlight. Show these themes through specific examples from both the experiences of the girls in Rabbit Proof Fence and using the experiences from the individual reading for your group. Use imagery, figurative language, rhythm, and strong words to tell the story. Then decide how you will present the poem. A choral (group) reading of a poem requires everyone to be involved in the performance. Split up the lines, repeat lines, use unison and individual voices, and employ thoughtful staging to create a dramatic effect in your performance.

2. Create a dramatic piece using frozen scenes and narrative about the themes you have chosen to highlight. Show these themes through specific examples from both the experiences of the girls in Rabbit Proof Fence and using the experiences from the individual reading for your group. Move fluidly from your narration to the scenes. Make sure everyone is involved in the presentation. Remember, narration is acting too! Use dramatic voice, gesture etc. to show the emotional turmoil of your character. Use imagery, figurative language, rhythm (through movement and transitions) and strong words to tell the story.

Once you have written your scene you should use all the remaining time to PRACTICE!!! You will perform two classes from now. Feel free to experiment with props and lighting as long as you treat this subject with sensitivity.


Involvement of the entire group ____/5
Use of literary devices/tools (not read from the story) ____/10
Depth/ Complexity (Addresses more than one issue/ emotion) ____/10
Performance/ Drama ____/10
Sensitivity to the subject ____/5

Total: ____/40

Brainstorm for next class:

Themes and emotions from Rabbit Proof Fence:

Themes and emotions from individual story:

Strong images from Rabbit Proof Fence:

Strong images from individual story:

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