Thursday, October 25, 2007

Final Project Brainstorming sheet one

Projects Class
Final Project Brainstorming
This sheet due: Mon, Oct 22

1. Choose from the four options: review all four options offered for this assignment (purple hand-out). Consider your unique skills and interests. Write down the two options that interest you the most.


2. Which of your unique skills and interests will you use to create each of the projects listed above? (Example: Art skills, computer skills, interest in film, etc.)
Option 1: Skills-


Option 2: Skills-


3. Resources: Each option requires specific resources (ie. Making a film requires a camera; creating a web site requires a computer and software). What will you need, and what do you have access to?
Option 1: Necessary materials-

Where and when can you use them?

Option 2: Necessary materials-

Where and when can you use them?

4. Anticipate difficulties. Think ahead to anything that might limit your ability to get each project done by Nov 1st. (Example: The computer is at your Mom’s house, but you are staying at your Dad’s for the next 2 weeks).
Option 1: Difficulties:

How will you overcome these difficulties?

Option 2: Difficulties:

How will you overcome these difficulties?

5. Time: This assignment is due in exactly 2 weeks, including two weekends. Think about the amount of time involved in each of the two project options outlined above. How will you manage your time for each? Use the calendar below to set realistic deadlines for yourself. (Depending on your project, you may set the following duedates: outline, rough draft/mock-up/layout, design day (web site), rehearsal/filming day, etc.)

Option 1: Timeline-
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
10/20 10/21
10/23 10/24 10/25 10/26 10/27 10/28
10/30 10/31 11/1 due

Option 2: Timeline-
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
10/20 10/21
10/23 10/24 10/25 10/26 10/27 10/28
10/30 10/31 11/1 due

6. Now choose one of the two options you’ve been considering. Make a thoughtful choice, based on your consideration of your skills/interests, availability of materials, time, etc.

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