Becoming your author….
Create a one-page beginning to an additional chapter (double spaced, 12 point font) that could have been included in the travel book you are reading on your own. Does your author break some taboo? Do they come across an amazing landscape or fascinating character in the local bazaar? Do you wish you author would have shared more about what they thought about their experience in the youth hostel? It’s up to you. Just remember to be true to the author’s voice.
Remember what you have learned about effective beginnings. You may consider beginning with action/ dialogue, a rich description, and/or a statement about the main character or theme.
You will be graded on:
Ideas and Content (Did you create a scene consistent with the story?) ____/10
Organization (Did you use an effective strategy to create your beginning?) ____/10
Word Choice and Voice (Strong nouns and verbs, show don’t tell, author’s style) ____/10
Sentence Fluency (Sentence lengths vary, sounds natural when read aloud) ____/10
Conventions (Everything is grammatically correct and proofread) ____/10
Total: ____/50
Friday, September 28, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Story research
This is missing the character research portion. Please complete what is here and get the character sheet from me in class:
RESEARCH SHEET DUE:Next Class Name:________________________
Because any good writer does an immense amount of research before she or he begins writing, your rough draft must include a “research sheet”. Complete the research sheet below:
_____(10 pts) Setting information
(a) Country:_____________________________
(b) City/ town/ rural area (be specific):_______________________________________
(c) Locale (trail? market?): ________________________________________________
(d) Time of year:_________________________________________________________
(e) Sensory details (touch, smells, tastes, sights, sounds):______________________________
(f) One paragraph describing the setting using at least four senses:
(10 pts.) Conflict
(3pts) 1. What is/are the external conflict(s)? Explain.
(5pts) 2. What are the internal conflicts?
List 5 thoughts occurring in the mind of the character:
(2pt) 3. How is the conflict resolved?
_____/30pts Total---This will need to be turned in with your final draft!!!
Now it’s time to start your rough draft!!! Begin Writing!!!
RESEARCH SHEET DUE:Next Class Name:________________________
Because any good writer does an immense amount of research before she or he begins writing, your rough draft must include a “research sheet”. Complete the research sheet below:
_____(10 pts) Setting information
(a) Country:_____________________________
(b) City/ town/ rural area (be specific):_______________________________________
(c) Locale (trail? market?): ________________________________________________
(d) Time of year:_________________________________________________________
(e) Sensory details (touch, smells, tastes, sights, sounds):______________________________
(f) One paragraph describing the setting using at least four senses:
(10 pts.) Conflict
(3pts) 1. What is/are the external conflict(s)? Explain.
(5pts) 2. What are the internal conflicts?
List 5 thoughts occurring in the mind of the character:
(2pt) 3. How is the conflict resolved?
_____/30pts Total---This will need to be turned in with your final draft!!!
Now it’s time to start your rough draft!!! Begin Writing!!!
Descriptions Assignment
Projects: Travel Book
Now that you’re getting a sense of how to write a travel story in class, let’s take a look at what your author is doing well.
Step 1: Find a short description (about half a page to a page) of a person, a feeling, or a place that is powerful. Find a passage that makes this feeling, character or place come to life! Now, copy the description (Xerox or hand write it) and include the page number.
Step 2: Now do one of the following:
A. Think about what specific words work well and really invigorate the writing. Write a found poem about the description using these words from the text and your own words.
(Should be at least fifteen thoughtful lines). Decorate this poem.
B. Illustrate the description. If you choose this option make sure you are an artist!! We want you to capture the beauty of the words with your art. You may use any medium of your choice to do this (but it must be your won work). Try to go beyond the literal description and find the essence.
C. Write your own description of the same place/feeling/person. Use words and sentence structures that are vastly different than the original author (don’t just break out the thesaurus). Be creative!!
D. Critique the description. What specifically worked well? Which words were the most powerful and why? How would you describe the mood of the description? How does the author feel? You must use specific examples from the text to support your conclusions. (1page minimum)
Step 3: Attach the copy of the description to your work. This must be included for us to know what we are looking at!!!
PS: Please format your writing correctly (typed, double space, 12 pt font)
You will be graded on:
A copy of the passage is turned in: ______/10
Assignment shows thoughtful connection to the author’s writing: ______/30
Care and effort: ______/10
Total ______/50
Now that you’re getting a sense of how to write a travel story in class, let’s take a look at what your author is doing well.
Step 1: Find a short description (about half a page to a page) of a person, a feeling, or a place that is powerful. Find a passage that makes this feeling, character or place come to life! Now, copy the description (Xerox or hand write it) and include the page number.
Step 2: Now do one of the following:
A. Think about what specific words work well and really invigorate the writing. Write a found poem about the description using these words from the text and your own words.
(Should be at least fifteen thoughtful lines). Decorate this poem.
B. Illustrate the description. If you choose this option make sure you are an artist!! We want you to capture the beauty of the words with your art. You may use any medium of your choice to do this (but it must be your won work). Try to go beyond the literal description and find the essence.
C. Write your own description of the same place/feeling/person. Use words and sentence structures that are vastly different than the original author (don’t just break out the thesaurus). Be creative!!
D. Critique the description. What specifically worked well? Which words were the most powerful and why? How would you describe the mood of the description? How does the author feel? You must use specific examples from the text to support your conclusions. (1page minimum)
Step 3: Attach the copy of the description to your work. This must be included for us to know what we are looking at!!!
PS: Please format your writing correctly (typed, double space, 12 pt font)
You will be graded on:
A copy of the passage is turned in: ______/10
Assignment shows thoughtful connection to the author’s writing: ______/30
Care and effort: ______/10
Total ______/50
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
9-20/9-21 You gotta have conflict

Checked off travel books for credit (If absent, show me yours next time and fill out a form)
Shared our "Where were you last night" writing
Read "The Adventures of Mega Chicken"
Discussed internal and external conflict
Practiced writing internal and external conlfict using a video with traveler "Justine" drinking snakes blood in Vietnam
If absent, try writing a page about a character tasting snake's blood for the first time in Vietnam. Use the internet to see what Vietnam would look like and what this experience might be like.
HMWK: Vocab Review/ Vocab Test next class
Write a slowed down moment of someone (we used a woman named Justine) drinking snakes blood
Projects: Start reading your travel book
Monday, September 17, 2007
Taking the Leap
Taking The Leap
Please write two short story beginnings, each one about a half page long, typed, single spaced.
One beginning should stick your reader right in the middle of the action/ dialogue.
One beginning should NOT stick your reader right in the middle of action/ dialogue.
Please pay attention to what you are establishing with your beginnings.
• Character?
• Emotions?
• Moods?
• Settings?
• Conflict?
• Interesting Voices?
• All of the above?
• None of the above?
In other words, what does your reader KNOW or strongly sense after reading your beginning?
Underneath or on the back side of your beginnings, list what you think your beginning successfully establishes.
Please write two short story beginnings, each one about a half page long, typed, single spaced.
One beginning should stick your reader right in the middle of the action/ dialogue.
One beginning should NOT stick your reader right in the middle of action/ dialogue.
Please pay attention to what you are establishing with your beginnings.
• Character?
• Emotions?
• Moods?
• Settings?
• Conflict?
• Interesting Voices?
• All of the above?
• None of the above?
In other words, what does your reader KNOW or strongly sense after reading your beginning?
Underneath or on the back side of your beginnings, list what you think your beginning successfully establishes.
Vocab Review
Review: Travel Vocabulary
Let’s go over the twenty new words and two idioms you studied during the week. In the following quiz, match the best possible definition with the word you have studied. Write the letter that stands for that definition in the appropriate answer space.
Review Words Definitions
___1. adversary a. incapable of being passed over or overcome
___.2. blanch b. a person, group, or force that opposes or attacks
___ 3. bough c. done maliciously or unjustifiably
___4. chauvinist d. elementary, fundamental
___5. disillusionment e. not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light
___6. gastronomic f. disenchanted, to free from belief, idealism, etc.
___7. impenetrable g. a branch of a tree
___8. Incandescent h. (1) zealous patriotism (2)biased devotion
___9. incomprehensible i. to cause a person to accept something not desired
___10. Insurmountable j. belonging to a thing by its very nature
___11. intrinsic k. to whiten by removing color
___12. mien l. (1) not penetrable (2) inaccessible to ideas
___13. opaque m. a person or thing that watches
___14. piquant n. intensely bright, brilliant
___15. quintessential o. strong and brave; valiant; uncompromising
___16. reconcile p. the art or science of good eating
___17. rudimentary q. agreeably pungent or sharp in taste
___18. sentinel r. the pure and concentrated essence of a substance
___19. stalwart s. appearance or demeanor
___ 20. wanton t. impossible to understand or comprehend
Words for further study: _______________ _______________
_____________ _______________ _______________
Let’s go over the twenty new words and two idioms you studied during the week. In the following quiz, match the best possible definition with the word you have studied. Write the letter that stands for that definition in the appropriate answer space.
Review Words Definitions
___1. adversary a. incapable of being passed over or overcome
___.2. blanch b. a person, group, or force that opposes or attacks
___ 3. bough c. done maliciously or unjustifiably
___4. chauvinist d. elementary, fundamental
___5. disillusionment e. not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light
___6. gastronomic f. disenchanted, to free from belief, idealism, etc.
___7. impenetrable g. a branch of a tree
___8. Incandescent h. (1) zealous patriotism (2)biased devotion
___9. incomprehensible i. to cause a person to accept something not desired
___10. Insurmountable j. belonging to a thing by its very nature
___11. intrinsic k. to whiten by removing color
___12. mien l. (1) not penetrable (2) inaccessible to ideas
___13. opaque m. a person or thing that watches
___14. piquant n. intensely bright, brilliant
___15. quintessential o. strong and brave; valiant; uncompromising
___16. reconcile p. the art or science of good eating
___17. rudimentary q. agreeably pungent or sharp in taste
___18. sentinel r. the pure and concentrated essence of a substance
___19. stalwart s. appearance or demeanor
___ 20. wanton t. impossible to understand or comprehend
Words for further study: _______________ _______________
_____________ _______________ _______________
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Vocab Day 3 and 4
Travel Vocabulary
Day 3
New Words:
Chauvinist Wanton Adversary Piquant Impenetrable
The Battle for the Slides
Every playground is truly a battlefield. The adversaries can be seen eyeing everywhere, eyeing each other up with anger. They lurk on the dodgeball court, the kickball diamond, and even on the seemingly impenetrable slides where it seems nobody gets more than one turn. Although many of these combatants are only innocent second graders, they sometimes act wantonly when recess is involved. This only escalates when the slides are concerned. I have seen young boys chauvinistically keep girls with “cooties” from climbing the steps. In turn, there were reported cases of bribery on the part of the girls. At one point it would cost half a packet of the piquant strawberry pop rocks per ride down that metal demon. What happened to teaching sharing?
Sample sentences: Try your hand now at using your new words by writing them in their correct form (change endings if necessary) in these sentences:
1. The ___________ salsa felt like delicious fire as it fell from the chip to my mouth.
2. The boss behaved in a _____________ way by only hiring male employees for the jobs.
3. My _____________ is ice cream; I am constantly doing battle with the temptation.
4. The teacher seemed to act with _________ behavior as he punished random students for being too loud.
5. The fortress had an unmovable stone drawbridge which appeared to be ------_____________.
Definitions: Match the new words with their dictionary meanings.
6. ___ chauvinist a. a person, group, or force that opposes or attacks
7. ___ wanton b. (1) zealous and aggressive patriotism or blind enthusiasm for military glory (2)biased devotion to any group, attitude, or cause
8. ___ adversary c. (1) not penetrable (2) inaccessible to ideas
9. ___piquant d. agreeably pungent or sharp in taste
10. ___ impenetrable e. done maliciously or unjustifiably
Today’s Homophone: Create a new sentence for each homophone.
THERE- means in that place
There is my coat!
THEIR- is a possessive noun
Their coats are hanging in their lockers.
THEY’RE- is a contraction of “they are”
They’re so happy it’s time to go home.
Travel Vocabulary
Day 4
New Words:
Sentinel Incomprehensible Reconcile Quintessential Intrinsic
Airplane Food
With airport security at an all time high, you have many sentinels watching what people bring aboard. But who is watching what the airlines are bringing aboard? Airline food intrinsically should be edible, but this does not seem to be the case. The last dish that was opened on the tray before me was an incomprehensible brown gravy. It’s not as if I expect the food to be the quintessential gourmet meal, but I would at least like to recognize the food I am eating. Eventually, I will have to accept the food and reconcile with the airline “chefs”. Let’s hope my stomach will do the same.
Sample sentences: Try your hand now at using your new words by writing them in their correct form (change endings if necessary) in these sentences:
1. I hope that the two adversaries can ____________ their differences and make peace.
2. I’m not very good at math so this calculus problem seems _______________.
3. The ___________ stood guard over the prison filled with students who violated the cell phone rule.
4. If the ___________ duty of a stapler is to staple, why does mine keep jamming.
5. Jenny was the _____________ optimist; she always saw the bright side to everything.
Definitions: Match the new words with their dictionary meanings.
6. ___ sentinel a. to cause a person to accept or be resigned to something not desired
7. ___ incomprehensible b. belonging to a thing by its very nature
8. ___ reconcile c. a person or thing that watches or stands as if watching
9. ___ quintessential d. the pure and concentrated essence of a substance
10. ___ intrinsic e. impossible to understand or comprehend; unintelligible
]Today’s Homophone: Create a new sentence for each homophone.
Who’s- is a contraction of “who is”
Who’s that knocking at the door.
Whose- is a possessive pronoun that shows ownership
Whose spaceship is in my backyard.
Day 3
New Words:
Chauvinist Wanton Adversary Piquant Impenetrable
The Battle for the Slides
Every playground is truly a battlefield. The adversaries can be seen eyeing everywhere, eyeing each other up with anger. They lurk on the dodgeball court, the kickball diamond, and even on the seemingly impenetrable slides where it seems nobody gets more than one turn. Although many of these combatants are only innocent second graders, they sometimes act wantonly when recess is involved. This only escalates when the slides are concerned. I have seen young boys chauvinistically keep girls with “cooties” from climbing the steps. In turn, there were reported cases of bribery on the part of the girls. At one point it would cost half a packet of the piquant strawberry pop rocks per ride down that metal demon. What happened to teaching sharing?
Sample sentences: Try your hand now at using your new words by writing them in their correct form (change endings if necessary) in these sentences:
1. The ___________ salsa felt like delicious fire as it fell from the chip to my mouth.
2. The boss behaved in a _____________ way by only hiring male employees for the jobs.
3. My _____________ is ice cream; I am constantly doing battle with the temptation.
4. The teacher seemed to act with _________ behavior as he punished random students for being too loud.
5. The fortress had an unmovable stone drawbridge which appeared to be ------_____________.
Definitions: Match the new words with their dictionary meanings.
6. ___ chauvinist a. a person, group, or force that opposes or attacks
7. ___ wanton b. (1) zealous and aggressive patriotism or blind enthusiasm for military glory (2)biased devotion to any group, attitude, or cause
8. ___ adversary c. (1) not penetrable (2) inaccessible to ideas
9. ___piquant d. agreeably pungent or sharp in taste
10. ___ impenetrable e. done maliciously or unjustifiably
Today’s Homophone: Create a new sentence for each homophone.
THERE- means in that place
There is my coat!
THEIR- is a possessive noun
Their coats are hanging in their lockers.
THEY’RE- is a contraction of “they are”
They’re so happy it’s time to go home.
Travel Vocabulary
Day 4
New Words:
Sentinel Incomprehensible Reconcile Quintessential Intrinsic
Airplane Food
With airport security at an all time high, you have many sentinels watching what people bring aboard. But who is watching what the airlines are bringing aboard? Airline food intrinsically should be edible, but this does not seem to be the case. The last dish that was opened on the tray before me was an incomprehensible brown gravy. It’s not as if I expect the food to be the quintessential gourmet meal, but I would at least like to recognize the food I am eating. Eventually, I will have to accept the food and reconcile with the airline “chefs”. Let’s hope my stomach will do the same.
Sample sentences: Try your hand now at using your new words by writing them in their correct form (change endings if necessary) in these sentences:
1. I hope that the two adversaries can ____________ their differences and make peace.
2. I’m not very good at math so this calculus problem seems _______________.
3. The ___________ stood guard over the prison filled with students who violated the cell phone rule.
4. If the ___________ duty of a stapler is to staple, why does mine keep jamming.
5. Jenny was the _____________ optimist; she always saw the bright side to everything.
Definitions: Match the new words with their dictionary meanings.
6. ___ sentinel a. to cause a person to accept or be resigned to something not desired
7. ___ incomprehensible b. belonging to a thing by its very nature
8. ___ reconcile c. a person or thing that watches or stands as if watching
9. ___ quintessential d. the pure and concentrated essence of a substance
10. ___ intrinsic e. impossible to understand or comprehend; unintelligible
]Today’s Homophone: Create a new sentence for each homophone.
Who’s- is a contraction of “who is”
Who’s that knocking at the door.
Whose- is a possessive pronoun that shows ownership
Whose spaceship is in my backyard.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Projects due dates
Freshmen Projects
1st Quarter Projects: Global Literature
Projects: Travel Literature Assignment Due Dates
1. “Who I Am” poem: Due:11/12
2. Grand Tour: Due: 17/18
3. Travel book due in class Due:19/20
4. Description: Due:26/27
5. Becoming your author: Due: Oct 2/3
6. Final Test: Due:16/17
7. Interview the Author: Due: 18/19
8. Final Travel Book Assignment: Due: Nov 1/2
Do one of the following:
a. Travel Poster
b. Travel Brochure
c. Travel Video
d. Travel Website
1st Quarter Projects: Global Literature
Projects: Travel Literature Assignment Due Dates
1. “Who I Am” poem: Due:11/12
2. Grand Tour: Due: 17/18
3. Travel book due in class Due:19/20
4. Description: Due:26/27
5. Becoming your author: Due: Oct 2/3
6. Final Test: Due:16/17
7. Interview the Author: Due: 18/19
8. Final Travel Book Assignment: Due: Nov 1/2
Do one of the following:
a. Travel Poster
b. Travel Brochure
c. Travel Video
d. Travel Website
Travel Book of Choice Ideas
Travel Books for Freshmen Projects
In a Sunburnt Country- Bill Bryson
With the Olympics approaching, books on Australia abound. Still, Bryson's lively take is a welcome recess from packaged, staid guides. The author of A Walk in the Woods draws readers in campfire-style, relating wacky anecdotes and random facts gathered on multiple trips down under, all the while lightening the statistics with infusions of whimsical humor. Arranged loosely by region, the book bounces between Canberra and Melbourne, the Outback and the Gold Coast, showing Bryson alone and with partners in tow. His unrelenting insistence that Australia is the most dangerous place on earth ("If you are not stung or pronged to death in some unexpected manner, you may be fatally chomped by sharks or crocodiles, or carried helplessly out to sea by irresistible currents, or left to stagger to an unhappy death in the baking outback") spins off dozens of tales involving jellyfish, spiders and the world's 10 most poisonous snakes.
A Walk in the Woods- Bill Bryson
Returning to the U.S. after 20 years in England, Iowa native Bryson decided to reconnect with his mother country by hiking the length of the 2100-mile Appalachian Trail. Awed by merely the camping section of his local sporting goods store, he nevertheless plunges into the wilderness and emerges with a consistently comical account of a neophyte woodsman learning hard lessons about self-reliance. Bryson carries himself in an irresistibly bewildered manner, accepting each new calamity with wonder and hilarity. He reviews the characters of the AT (as the trail is called), from a pack of incompetent Boy Scouts to a perpetually lost geezer named Chicken John. Most amusing is his cranky, crude and inestimable companion, Katz, a reformed substance abuser who once had single-handedly "become, in effect, Iowa's drug culture." The uneasy but always entertaining relationship between Bryson and Katz keeps their walk interesting, even during the flat stretches. Bryson completes the trail as planned, and he records the misadventure with insight and elegance. He is a popular author in Britain and his impeccably graceful and witty style deserves a large American audience as well.
Learning to Bow- Bruce Feiler
Feiler's account offers an instructive, amusing inside look at a vaunted educational system. Invited by the Japanese Ministry of Education to teach English in a junior high school, Feiler arrived, shortly after graduation from Yale, in rural Sano, 50 miles north of Tokyo, where he was the first foreigner seen by many of the city's inhabitants. Among the cultural shocks he describes is his welcome with a ritual collective outdoor bath. Noting that characteristics such as group loyalty and community responsibility are fostered in a system that requires students to clean their schools and neighborhoods, Feiler lists aspects of the Japanese system that might successfully be translated to American schools, while acknowledging such negatives as the lack of free choice and individual expression.
Shopping for Buddhas- Jeff Greenwald
Waist-high snow, a flying lama and the first escalator in Kathmandu are among the many attractions Greenwald experienced during his stays in Nepal. His often flip tone belies a serious purpose, and his account of shopping for just the right statue of Buddha illuminates various aspects of Nepalese culture. He discusses some of the gods and beliefs of Hinduism and proposes his own list of possible bodhisattvas, whom he describes as people who "recognize . . . their peculiar function" in life (including Mother Teresa and John Lennon). He learns of the Nepalese concept of perfect art, seeks the advice of a guru who wears Ray-Bans and faces the maneuverings of shopkeepers who cater to foreign buyers. Nor does Greenwald overlook the darker side of this country, now undergoing political upheavals. Nepal has been the site of documented human rights abuses, its royal family exploits the country's resources and may be central to promoting drug trafficking there, foreign aid to this impoverished country is distributed among a small number of people, and valuable works of art from temples are being smuggled out of the country.
River Town- Peter Hessler
In China, the year 1997 was marked by two momentous events: the death of Deng Xiaoping, the country's leader for two decades, and the return of Hong Kong after a century and a half of British rule. A young American who spent two years teaching English literature in a small town on the Yangtze, Hessler observed these events through two sets of eyes: his own and those of his alter ego, Ho Wei. Hessler sees China's politics and ceremony with the detachment of a foreigner, noting how grand political events affect the lives of ordinary people. The passing of Deng, for example, provokes a handful of thoughtful and unexpected essays from Hessler's students. The departure of the British from Hong Kong sparks a conversational "Opium War" between him and his nationalist Chinese tutor. Meanwhile, Ho Wei, as Hessler is known to most of the townspeople, adopts a friendly and unsophisticated persona that allows him to learn the language and culture of his surroundings even as Hessler's Western self remains estranged. The author conceives this memoir of his time in China as the collaborative effort of his double identity. "Ho Wei," he writes, "left his notebooks on the desk of Peter Hessler, who typed everything into his computer. The notebooks were the only thing they truly shared." Yet it's clear that, for Hessler, Ho Wei is more than a literary device: to live in China, he felt compelled to subjugate his real identity to a character role.
Travels with Charley- John Steinbeck
To hear the speech of the real America, to smell the grass and the trees, to see the colors and the light— these were John Steinbeck's goals as he set out, at the age of fifty-eight, to rediscover the country he had been writing about for so many years.
Enduring Cuba- Zoe Bran
Intrigued by Cuba, Zoe Bran visits this country of contradictions and interweaving history and current events, personal and wider viewpoints, she paints a revealing picture of contemporary Cuba.
Tracks- Robyn Davidson
Why does Robyn Davidson walk 1,700 miles across the Australian desert accompanied by four camels? Tracks is a quintessential adventure, yet the adventurer's relationship to her own quest is ambivalent and nuanced. She never directly explains her motivations, but it's clear that she's been driven to the starkness and isolation of the desert by something so personally powerful that she may not understand it herself. Ironically, when she accepts the financial backing of the National Geographic, her private "trial by fire" is doused by the popular concept of romantic independence she represents to others: "I was beginning to see it as a story for other people, with a beginning and an ending." She feels pursued and invaded by the photographer assigned to follow her, by the people who intercept her with questions and interpretations. Yet her ultimate confrontations are with her own rage and desperation, with the personal and cultural repercussions of racism and misogyny in her own experience, and with the paradoxical ugliness and beauty of the rural Australia she encounters.
Nine Hills to Nambonkaha: Two Years in the Heart of an African Village- Sarah Erdman
A portrait of a resilient African village, ruled until recently by magic and tradition, now facing modern problems and responding, often triumphantly, to change When Sarah Erdman, a Peace Corps volunteer, arrived in Nambonkaha, she became the first Caucasian to venture there since the French colonialists. But even though she was thousands of miles away from the United States, completely on her own in this tiny village in the West African nation of Cô te d'Ivoire, she did not feel like a stranger for long. As her vivid narrative unfolds, Erdman draws us into the changing world of the village that became her home. Here is a place where electricity is expected but never arrives, where sorcerers still conjure magic, where the tok-tok sound of women grinding corn with pestles rings out in the mornings like church bells. Rare rains provoke bathing in the streets and the most coveted fashion trend is fabric with illustrations of Western cell phones. Yet Nambonkaha is also a place where AIDS threatens and poverty is constant, where women suffer the indignities of patriarchal customs, where children work like adults while still managing to dream. Lyrical and topical, Erdman's beautiful debut captures the astonishing spirit of an unforgettable community.
The Size of the World- Jeff Greenwald
A respected travel writer, who at the age of forty traveled around the world without ever flying, recounts his experiences as he walked, bused, trained, and sailed through a twenty-five-thousand-mile, nine-month trip
On the Road- Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac's classic novel of freedom and longing defined what it meant to be "Beat" and has inspired every generation since its initial publication more than forty years ago. Introduction by Ann Charters
Tales of a Female Nomad- Rita Golden Gelman
When Rita Golden Gelman traveled to Mexico during a two-month separation from her husband, she hoped to satisfy an old craving for adventure and, in the process, rejuvenate herself and her marriage. Little did she know it was the beginning of a new life, not just as a divorcée, but as a nomad of the world. Since 1986, Gelman has had no permanent address and no possessions except those she can carry. She travels without a plan, guided by instinct, serendipitous opportunities, and a remarkable ability to connect with people. At first her family and friends accused her of running away, but Gelman knew she had embarked on a journey of self-discovery and a way of life that is inspiring and enviable.
The Miracle of Castel di Sangro- Joe McGinnis
Even those who have no interest in soccer--the majority of Americans, he ruefully admits--will relish the author's vivid account of a team from Castel di Sangro, a tiny town in Italy's poorest region, that against all expectations made it to the national competition. Whether he's chronicling his ordeal at possibly the least-inviting hotel in Italy (the heat doesn't come on until October, no matter the temperature; he is assigned to a room up four flights of stairs though there are no other guests), or sketching a colorful cast of characters that includes the team's sinister owner and an utterly unflappable translator, McGinniss prompts roars of laughter as he reveals an Italy tourists never see. He also saddens readers with a shocking final scene in which he confronts the nation's casual corruption, which taints men he's come to respect and even love. Although not a conventional memoir, this stirring book reveals as much about the author's passionate character as about the nation and the players who win his heart, then break it.
Ciao, America- Beppe Severgini
In the wry but affectionate tradition of Bill Bryson, Ciao, America! is a delightful look at America through the eyes of a fiercely funny guest — one of Italy’s favorite authors who spent a year in Washington, D.C.When Beppe Severgnini and his wife rented a creaky house in Georgetown they were determined to see if they could adapt to a full four seasons in a country obsessed with ice cubes, air-conditioning, recliner chairs, and, of all things, after-dinner cappuccinos. From their first encounters with cryptic rental listings to their back-to-Europe yard sale twelve months later, Beppe explores this foreign land with the self-described patience of a mildly inappropriate beachcomber, holding up a mirror to America’s signature manners and mores. Succumbing to his surroundings day by day, he and his wife find themselves developing a taste for Klondike bars and Samuel Adams beer, and even that most peculiar of American institutions -- the pancake house.
The Sex Lives of Cannibals: Adrift in the Equatorial Pacific- Maartin J. Troost
The laugh-out-loud true story of a harrowing and hilarious two-year odyssey in the distant South Pacific island nation of Kiribati—possibly The Worst Place on Earth.At the age of twenty-six, Maarten Troost—who had been pushing the snooze button on the alarm clock of life by racking up useless graduate degrees and muddling through a series of temp jobs—decided to pack up his flip-flops and move to Tarawa, a remote South Pacific island in the Republic of Kiribati. He was restless and lacked direction, and the idea of dropping everything and moving to the ends of the earth was irresistibly romantic. He should have known better.The Sex Lives of Cannibals tells the hilarious story of what happens when Troost discovers that Tarawa is not the island paradise he dreamed of. Falling into one amusing misadventure after another, Troost struggles through relentless, stifling heat, a variety of deadly bacteria, polluted seas, toxic fish—all in a country where the only music to be heard for miles around is “La Macarena.”
A Cook’s Tour- Anthony Bourdain
Follows the author on a quest around the world to find the ultimate meal, from Japan where he eats traditional fugu, a poisonous blowfish that can only be prepared by specially licensed chefs, to a delectable snack in the Mecong Delta.
Three Weeks with my Brother- Nicolas Sparks
When bestselling author Sparks (The Notebook; Message in a Bottle; etc.) receives a brochure offering a three-week trip around the world, it's not hard for him to persuade Micah, his older brother, to join him in touring Guatemala's Mayan ruins, Peru's Incan temples, Easter Island, the killing fields in Cambodia, the Taj Mahal and Ethiopian rock cathedrals. His account of the trip is refreshingly honest and perceptive. At each stop, the brothers, both deeply committed to their families, cover the crucial moments in a life full of familial love and tragedy.
Fried Eggs with Chopsticks- Polly Evans
Polly Evans's itinerary for China was simple: travel by luxurious high-speed train and long-distance bus, glide along the Grand Canal and hike up scenic mountains. Instead, the linguistically impaired adventurer found herself on a primitive sleeper-minibus where sleep was out of the question; perched atop a tiny mule on a remote mountain pass; and attempting a dubious ferry ride down the Yangtze River. Polly was getting to know China in a way she'd never expected-and would never, ever forget. From battling six-year-olds in kung-fu class to discovering Starbucks in Hangzhou, Polly relives her Asian adventure with humor, enthusiasm, frustration, and determination. Whether she's viewing the embalmed cadaver of Chairman Mao or drinking yak-butter tea, this is Polly's eye-opening account of a culture torn between stunning modern architecture and often bizarre ancient mysteries...and of her attempt to solve the ultimate gastronomic conundrum: how exactly does one eat a soft-fried egg with chopsticks
Dharma Girl - Chelsea Cain
This memoir by 24-year-old Chelsea Cain, who grew up on a commune in the Iowa outback, recounts her nostalgia for her toddler years, when her parents picked berries, puffed pot, and plucked the banjo while the outside world seemed to be going straight to hell. Deciding that her caffeinated modern life is a vile repudiation of her parents' admirable values--and shaken by her mother's bout with cancer--the author leaves southern California for Iowa. Not to establish or join a commune but to rent an Iowa City apartment and begin graduate school at the University of Iowa, as we learn from her biography. Along the road to Iowa, there are plenty of wry observations on the modern world and reflections on the more idealized values of "the hippie movement." The sanest characters in this brief book are Cain's clear-eyed and chastened parents.
In a Sunburnt Country- Bill Bryson
With the Olympics approaching, books on Australia abound. Still, Bryson's lively take is a welcome recess from packaged, staid guides. The author of A Walk in the Woods draws readers in campfire-style, relating wacky anecdotes and random facts gathered on multiple trips down under, all the while lightening the statistics with infusions of whimsical humor. Arranged loosely by region, the book bounces between Canberra and Melbourne, the Outback and the Gold Coast, showing Bryson alone and with partners in tow. His unrelenting insistence that Australia is the most dangerous place on earth ("If you are not stung or pronged to death in some unexpected manner, you may be fatally chomped by sharks or crocodiles, or carried helplessly out to sea by irresistible currents, or left to stagger to an unhappy death in the baking outback") spins off dozens of tales involving jellyfish, spiders and the world's 10 most poisonous snakes.
A Walk in the Woods- Bill Bryson
Returning to the U.S. after 20 years in England, Iowa native Bryson decided to reconnect with his mother country by hiking the length of the 2100-mile Appalachian Trail. Awed by merely the camping section of his local sporting goods store, he nevertheless plunges into the wilderness and emerges with a consistently comical account of a neophyte woodsman learning hard lessons about self-reliance. Bryson carries himself in an irresistibly bewildered manner, accepting each new calamity with wonder and hilarity. He reviews the characters of the AT (as the trail is called), from a pack of incompetent Boy Scouts to a perpetually lost geezer named Chicken John. Most amusing is his cranky, crude and inestimable companion, Katz, a reformed substance abuser who once had single-handedly "become, in effect, Iowa's drug culture." The uneasy but always entertaining relationship between Bryson and Katz keeps their walk interesting, even during the flat stretches. Bryson completes the trail as planned, and he records the misadventure with insight and elegance. He is a popular author in Britain and his impeccably graceful and witty style deserves a large American audience as well.
Learning to Bow- Bruce Feiler
Feiler's account offers an instructive, amusing inside look at a vaunted educational system. Invited by the Japanese Ministry of Education to teach English in a junior high school, Feiler arrived, shortly after graduation from Yale, in rural Sano, 50 miles north of Tokyo, where he was the first foreigner seen by many of the city's inhabitants. Among the cultural shocks he describes is his welcome with a ritual collective outdoor bath. Noting that characteristics such as group loyalty and community responsibility are fostered in a system that requires students to clean their schools and neighborhoods, Feiler lists aspects of the Japanese system that might successfully be translated to American schools, while acknowledging such negatives as the lack of free choice and individual expression.
Shopping for Buddhas- Jeff Greenwald
Waist-high snow, a flying lama and the first escalator in Kathmandu are among the many attractions Greenwald experienced during his stays in Nepal. His often flip tone belies a serious purpose, and his account of shopping for just the right statue of Buddha illuminates various aspects of Nepalese culture. He discusses some of the gods and beliefs of Hinduism and proposes his own list of possible bodhisattvas, whom he describes as people who "recognize . . . their peculiar function" in life (including Mother Teresa and John Lennon). He learns of the Nepalese concept of perfect art, seeks the advice of a guru who wears Ray-Bans and faces the maneuverings of shopkeepers who cater to foreign buyers. Nor does Greenwald overlook the darker side of this country, now undergoing political upheavals. Nepal has been the site of documented human rights abuses, its royal family exploits the country's resources and may be central to promoting drug trafficking there, foreign aid to this impoverished country is distributed among a small number of people, and valuable works of art from temples are being smuggled out of the country.
River Town- Peter Hessler
In China, the year 1997 was marked by two momentous events: the death of Deng Xiaoping, the country's leader for two decades, and the return of Hong Kong after a century and a half of British rule. A young American who spent two years teaching English literature in a small town on the Yangtze, Hessler observed these events through two sets of eyes: his own and those of his alter ego, Ho Wei. Hessler sees China's politics and ceremony with the detachment of a foreigner, noting how grand political events affect the lives of ordinary people. The passing of Deng, for example, provokes a handful of thoughtful and unexpected essays from Hessler's students. The departure of the British from Hong Kong sparks a conversational "Opium War" between him and his nationalist Chinese tutor. Meanwhile, Ho Wei, as Hessler is known to most of the townspeople, adopts a friendly and unsophisticated persona that allows him to learn the language and culture of his surroundings even as Hessler's Western self remains estranged. The author conceives this memoir of his time in China as the collaborative effort of his double identity. "Ho Wei," he writes, "left his notebooks on the desk of Peter Hessler, who typed everything into his computer. The notebooks were the only thing they truly shared." Yet it's clear that, for Hessler, Ho Wei is more than a literary device: to live in China, he felt compelled to subjugate his real identity to a character role.
Travels with Charley- John Steinbeck
To hear the speech of the real America, to smell the grass and the trees, to see the colors and the light— these were John Steinbeck's goals as he set out, at the age of fifty-eight, to rediscover the country he had been writing about for so many years.
Enduring Cuba- Zoe Bran
Intrigued by Cuba, Zoe Bran visits this country of contradictions and interweaving history and current events, personal and wider viewpoints, she paints a revealing picture of contemporary Cuba.
Tracks- Robyn Davidson
Why does Robyn Davidson walk 1,700 miles across the Australian desert accompanied by four camels? Tracks is a quintessential adventure, yet the adventurer's relationship to her own quest is ambivalent and nuanced. She never directly explains her motivations, but it's clear that she's been driven to the starkness and isolation of the desert by something so personally powerful that she may not understand it herself. Ironically, when she accepts the financial backing of the National Geographic, her private "trial by fire" is doused by the popular concept of romantic independence she represents to others: "I was beginning to see it as a story for other people, with a beginning and an ending." She feels pursued and invaded by the photographer assigned to follow her, by the people who intercept her with questions and interpretations. Yet her ultimate confrontations are with her own rage and desperation, with the personal and cultural repercussions of racism and misogyny in her own experience, and with the paradoxical ugliness and beauty of the rural Australia she encounters.
Nine Hills to Nambonkaha: Two Years in the Heart of an African Village- Sarah Erdman
A portrait of a resilient African village, ruled until recently by magic and tradition, now facing modern problems and responding, often triumphantly, to change When Sarah Erdman, a Peace Corps volunteer, arrived in Nambonkaha, she became the first Caucasian to venture there since the French colonialists. But even though she was thousands of miles away from the United States, completely on her own in this tiny village in the West African nation of Cô te d'Ivoire, she did not feel like a stranger for long. As her vivid narrative unfolds, Erdman draws us into the changing world of the village that became her home. Here is a place where electricity is expected but never arrives, where sorcerers still conjure magic, where the tok-tok sound of women grinding corn with pestles rings out in the mornings like church bells. Rare rains provoke bathing in the streets and the most coveted fashion trend is fabric with illustrations of Western cell phones. Yet Nambonkaha is also a place where AIDS threatens and poverty is constant, where women suffer the indignities of patriarchal customs, where children work like adults while still managing to dream. Lyrical and topical, Erdman's beautiful debut captures the astonishing spirit of an unforgettable community.
The Size of the World- Jeff Greenwald
A respected travel writer, who at the age of forty traveled around the world without ever flying, recounts his experiences as he walked, bused, trained, and sailed through a twenty-five-thousand-mile, nine-month trip
On the Road- Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac's classic novel of freedom and longing defined what it meant to be "Beat" and has inspired every generation since its initial publication more than forty years ago. Introduction by Ann Charters
Tales of a Female Nomad- Rita Golden Gelman
When Rita Golden Gelman traveled to Mexico during a two-month separation from her husband, she hoped to satisfy an old craving for adventure and, in the process, rejuvenate herself and her marriage. Little did she know it was the beginning of a new life, not just as a divorcée, but as a nomad of the world. Since 1986, Gelman has had no permanent address and no possessions except those she can carry. She travels without a plan, guided by instinct, serendipitous opportunities, and a remarkable ability to connect with people. At first her family and friends accused her of running away, but Gelman knew she had embarked on a journey of self-discovery and a way of life that is inspiring and enviable.
The Miracle of Castel di Sangro- Joe McGinnis
Even those who have no interest in soccer--the majority of Americans, he ruefully admits--will relish the author's vivid account of a team from Castel di Sangro, a tiny town in Italy's poorest region, that against all expectations made it to the national competition. Whether he's chronicling his ordeal at possibly the least-inviting hotel in Italy (the heat doesn't come on until October, no matter the temperature; he is assigned to a room up four flights of stairs though there are no other guests), or sketching a colorful cast of characters that includes the team's sinister owner and an utterly unflappable translator, McGinniss prompts roars of laughter as he reveals an Italy tourists never see. He also saddens readers with a shocking final scene in which he confronts the nation's casual corruption, which taints men he's come to respect and even love. Although not a conventional memoir, this stirring book reveals as much about the author's passionate character as about the nation and the players who win his heart, then break it.
Ciao, America- Beppe Severgini
In the wry but affectionate tradition of Bill Bryson, Ciao, America! is a delightful look at America through the eyes of a fiercely funny guest — one of Italy’s favorite authors who spent a year in Washington, D.C.When Beppe Severgnini and his wife rented a creaky house in Georgetown they were determined to see if they could adapt to a full four seasons in a country obsessed with ice cubes, air-conditioning, recliner chairs, and, of all things, after-dinner cappuccinos. From their first encounters with cryptic rental listings to their back-to-Europe yard sale twelve months later, Beppe explores this foreign land with the self-described patience of a mildly inappropriate beachcomber, holding up a mirror to America’s signature manners and mores. Succumbing to his surroundings day by day, he and his wife find themselves developing a taste for Klondike bars and Samuel Adams beer, and even that most peculiar of American institutions -- the pancake house.
The Sex Lives of Cannibals: Adrift in the Equatorial Pacific- Maartin J. Troost
The laugh-out-loud true story of a harrowing and hilarious two-year odyssey in the distant South Pacific island nation of Kiribati—possibly The Worst Place on Earth.At the age of twenty-six, Maarten Troost—who had been pushing the snooze button on the alarm clock of life by racking up useless graduate degrees and muddling through a series of temp jobs—decided to pack up his flip-flops and move to Tarawa, a remote South Pacific island in the Republic of Kiribati. He was restless and lacked direction, and the idea of dropping everything and moving to the ends of the earth was irresistibly romantic. He should have known better.The Sex Lives of Cannibals tells the hilarious story of what happens when Troost discovers that Tarawa is not the island paradise he dreamed of. Falling into one amusing misadventure after another, Troost struggles through relentless, stifling heat, a variety of deadly bacteria, polluted seas, toxic fish—all in a country where the only music to be heard for miles around is “La Macarena.”
A Cook’s Tour- Anthony Bourdain
Follows the author on a quest around the world to find the ultimate meal, from Japan where he eats traditional fugu, a poisonous blowfish that can only be prepared by specially licensed chefs, to a delectable snack in the Mecong Delta.
Three Weeks with my Brother- Nicolas Sparks
When bestselling author Sparks (The Notebook; Message in a Bottle; etc.) receives a brochure offering a three-week trip around the world, it's not hard for him to persuade Micah, his older brother, to join him in touring Guatemala's Mayan ruins, Peru's Incan temples, Easter Island, the killing fields in Cambodia, the Taj Mahal and Ethiopian rock cathedrals. His account of the trip is refreshingly honest and perceptive. At each stop, the brothers, both deeply committed to their families, cover the crucial moments in a life full of familial love and tragedy.
Fried Eggs with Chopsticks- Polly Evans
Polly Evans's itinerary for China was simple: travel by luxurious high-speed train and long-distance bus, glide along the Grand Canal and hike up scenic mountains. Instead, the linguistically impaired adventurer found herself on a primitive sleeper-minibus where sleep was out of the question; perched atop a tiny mule on a remote mountain pass; and attempting a dubious ferry ride down the Yangtze River. Polly was getting to know China in a way she'd never expected-and would never, ever forget. From battling six-year-olds in kung-fu class to discovering Starbucks in Hangzhou, Polly relives her Asian adventure with humor, enthusiasm, frustration, and determination. Whether she's viewing the embalmed cadaver of Chairman Mao or drinking yak-butter tea, this is Polly's eye-opening account of a culture torn between stunning modern architecture and often bizarre ancient mysteries...and of her attempt to solve the ultimate gastronomic conundrum: how exactly does one eat a soft-fried egg with chopsticks
Dharma Girl - Chelsea Cain
This memoir by 24-year-old Chelsea Cain, who grew up on a commune in the Iowa outback, recounts her nostalgia for her toddler years, when her parents picked berries, puffed pot, and plucked the banjo while the outside world seemed to be going straight to hell. Deciding that her caffeinated modern life is a vile repudiation of her parents' admirable values--and shaken by her mother's bout with cancer--the author leaves southern California for Iowa. Not to establish or join a commune but to rent an Iowa City apartment and begin graduate school at the University of Iowa, as we learn from her biography. Along the road to Iowa, there are plenty of wry observations on the modern world and reflections on the more idealized values of "the hippie movement." The sanest characters in this brief book are Cain's clear-eyed and chastened parents.
Grand Tour Assignment (Projects)
Freshman Projects
The Grand Tour
Write a letter to your parents/ guardians in which you set out a plan for your very “Grand Tour”. Your goal is to create a journey that will challenge you in some way, and thus will allow you to grow as a person. Think of physical, mental, cultural, and spiritual challenges you might encounter.
Try to focus on one of these questions when planning your trip:
What do you want to learn and what passions do you want to feed and nurture?
What are some weaknesses or fears you might want to overcome?
How can you make your life better? The world better?
Try to narrow it down to one goal you may have as you create you itinerary.
For example: I want to learn to be an astounding jazz musician so I might travel to historical jazz cities like Chicago, New Orleans, and New York OR if I want to get over my fear of insects I would travel to Thailand, Australia, and the Amazon to work with specific insects.
Where will you find information?
* Use your elementary and middle school education. DO you remember all those lessons on the wonders of the world, festivals in Japan, animals in the rainforest? Use them!
* Travel magazines such as National Geographic, Adventure, Outside, Travel and Leisure, etc are a good source of ideas.
* The internet is an awesome source as well. If you have a general idea as to which country or region you’d like to visit, go to the country’s tourism site for specific information about things to see and do. You can also go to travel websites like Intrepid Travel, GAP, and Lonely Planet to get great ides for itineraries.
∑ Structure your assignment as a letter to a parent or guardian. You must try to persuade them to finance this trip and to let you travel to your selected destinations. Use persuasive language and strong arguments.
∑ Use the map provided to outline your journey
∑ Write a detailed description of your journey.
What is the purpose of your trip?
Where will you go?
What will you do there?
What will you learn there?
What problems do you anticipate?
Will you bring a friend or travel alone?
∑ You must include at least three destinations (regions or countries).
∑ Length: One and a half to two pages (350-500 words)
∑ Word process your work.
You will be graded on:
Ideas and content (has three destinations, clear purpose for the trip, relevant details): ____/10
Organization (logical sequencing, beginning and ending, body, transitions): ____/10
Word Choice and Voice (strong nouns and verbs, aware of audience): ____/10
Sentence Fluency (sounds natural when read aloud, varies structures of sentences): ____/10
Conventions (spelling and grammar correct, proofread): ____/10
P.S. You might want to have your parents read your letter. Who knows…..
The Grand Tour
Write a letter to your parents/ guardians in which you set out a plan for your very “Grand Tour”. Your goal is to create a journey that will challenge you in some way, and thus will allow you to grow as a person. Think of physical, mental, cultural, and spiritual challenges you might encounter.
Try to focus on one of these questions when planning your trip:
What do you want to learn and what passions do you want to feed and nurture?
What are some weaknesses or fears you might want to overcome?
How can you make your life better? The world better?
Try to narrow it down to one goal you may have as you create you itinerary.
For example: I want to learn to be an astounding jazz musician so I might travel to historical jazz cities like Chicago, New Orleans, and New York OR if I want to get over my fear of insects I would travel to Thailand, Australia, and the Amazon to work with specific insects.
Where will you find information?
* Use your elementary and middle school education. DO you remember all those lessons on the wonders of the world, festivals in Japan, animals in the rainforest? Use them!
* Travel magazines such as National Geographic, Adventure, Outside, Travel and Leisure, etc are a good source of ideas.
* The internet is an awesome source as well. If you have a general idea as to which country or region you’d like to visit, go to the country’s tourism site for specific information about things to see and do. You can also go to travel websites like Intrepid Travel, GAP, and Lonely Planet to get great ides for itineraries.
∑ Structure your assignment as a letter to a parent or guardian. You must try to persuade them to finance this trip and to let you travel to your selected destinations. Use persuasive language and strong arguments.
∑ Use the map provided to outline your journey
∑ Write a detailed description of your journey.
What is the purpose of your trip?
Where will you go?
What will you do there?
What will you learn there?
What problems do you anticipate?
Will you bring a friend or travel alone?
∑ You must include at least three destinations (regions or countries).
∑ Length: One and a half to two pages (350-500 words)
∑ Word process your work.
You will be graded on:
Ideas and content (has three destinations, clear purpose for the trip, relevant details): ____/10
Organization (logical sequencing, beginning and ending, body, transitions): ____/10
Word Choice and Voice (strong nouns and verbs, aware of audience): ____/10
Sentence Fluency (sounds natural when read aloud, varies structures of sentences): ____/10
Conventions (spelling and grammar correct, proofread): ____/10
P.S. You might want to have your parents read your letter. Who knows…..
Travel Vocab Day one and two
Travel Vocabulary
Day 1
New Words:
rudimentary insurmountable disillusion mien incandescent
The Vocabulary Challenge
The new teacher glanced up and down the aisles. It was her third day and her students were facing insurmountable odds. They had been given the task impossible task of memorizing all the vocabulary words for the year… in one day!!! Memorization seemed like rudimentary work for a class of this caliber, so the students proposed another plan. They wouldn’t simply memorize words; they would learn how to use them in everyday sentences! The students quickly convinced the teacher that this activity would make their minds glow with incandescent light. The teacher smiled at the class with the mien of a proud mother. Although some students had been disillusioned by past vocabulary setbacks, the teacher was positive this class, with study, would grow leaps and bounds this year.
Sample sentences: Try your hand now at using your new words by writing them in their correct form (change endings if necessary) in these sentences:
1. The _____________ bulb helped light up the dreary room.
2. Because my grasp of algebra is _____________, I cannot solve the problem.
3. After losing her ninety-eighth race, the runner felt _____________ with her dreams of becoming an Olympic athlete.
4. The climbers arrived at a wall of sheer ice and decided the pass was _____________.
5. The seasoned teacher wore a confident __________ as he glanced at the classroom of new students.
Definitions: Match the new words with their dictionary meanings.
6. Rudimentary ___ a. appearance or demeanor
7. Insurmountable ___ b. intensely bright, brilliant
8. Disillusionment ___ c. elementary, fundamental
9. Mien ___ d. disenchanted, to free from belief, idealism, etc.
10. Incandescent ___ e. incapable of being passed over or overcome
Today’s Homophone. Create two (2) sentences that use both homophones.
YOUR possessive pronoun: belong to “you”
Be sure to do your reading each night. Your turn will come after he is finished
YOU’RE contraction for “you are”
You’re the funniest kid I have ever met. I was wondering if you’re going to be at school tomorrow?
Travel Vocabulary
Day 2
New Words:
blanch stalwart opaque gastronomic bough
The Intrepid Traveler
How many times have you been traveling and encountered a serious gastronomic challenge? Mine came to be while hiking in the islands off of Panama. Two children were ahead of me on the trail picking, what looked like, succulent guava. I decided to take off my pack and help. I climbed up the bough and tossed the fruit to children below. As a thank you, they offered me one of the fruits. As I bit in I immediately blanched. The fruit was wiggling. I tried to keep a stalwart expression but it was of no use. As I realized I had bitten into a ball full of maggots I could feel my eyes closing, my body going limp, and an opaque darkness surrounding me.
Sample sentences: Try your hand now at using your new words by writing them in their correct form (change endings if necessary) in these sentences:
1. The campfire scouts ______________ when they stumbled across the haunted restroom.
2. The cook wanted the patrons of the upscale restaurant to venture on a ________ journey with each bite.
3. The _________ knight looked the dragon in the eye unflinching.
4. The girl climbed up the highest____________ of the tree to see the sunset.
5. The thunderstorms above caused the sky to become ______________.
Definitions: Match the new words with their dictionary meanings.
6. ___ blanch a. not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light
7. ___ stalwart b. a branch of a tree
8. ___ opaque c. to whiten by removing color
9. ___ gastronomic d. strong and brave; valiant; uncompromising
10. ___ bough e. the art or science of good eating
Today’s Homophone
ACCEPT- to receive
The grandmother accepted the key to the city after saving the kittens.
Accepting compliments are an important part of growing up
EXCEPT- other than
I like all the ice cream flavors except the pork surprise.
The vocabulary test was really easy except for the students who did not study.
Day 1
New Words:
rudimentary insurmountable disillusion mien incandescent
The Vocabulary Challenge
The new teacher glanced up and down the aisles. It was her third day and her students were facing insurmountable odds. They had been given the task impossible task of memorizing all the vocabulary words for the year… in one day!!! Memorization seemed like rudimentary work for a class of this caliber, so the students proposed another plan. They wouldn’t simply memorize words; they would learn how to use them in everyday sentences! The students quickly convinced the teacher that this activity would make their minds glow with incandescent light. The teacher smiled at the class with the mien of a proud mother. Although some students had been disillusioned by past vocabulary setbacks, the teacher was positive this class, with study, would grow leaps and bounds this year.
Sample sentences: Try your hand now at using your new words by writing them in their correct form (change endings if necessary) in these sentences:
1. The _____________ bulb helped light up the dreary room.
2. Because my grasp of algebra is _____________, I cannot solve the problem.
3. After losing her ninety-eighth race, the runner felt _____________ with her dreams of becoming an Olympic athlete.
4. The climbers arrived at a wall of sheer ice and decided the pass was _____________.
5. The seasoned teacher wore a confident __________ as he glanced at the classroom of new students.
Definitions: Match the new words with their dictionary meanings.
6. Rudimentary ___ a. appearance or demeanor
7. Insurmountable ___ b. intensely bright, brilliant
8. Disillusionment ___ c. elementary, fundamental
9. Mien ___ d. disenchanted, to free from belief, idealism, etc.
10. Incandescent ___ e. incapable of being passed over or overcome
Today’s Homophone. Create two (2) sentences that use both homophones.
YOUR possessive pronoun: belong to “you”
Be sure to do your reading each night. Your turn will come after he is finished
YOU’RE contraction for “you are”
You’re the funniest kid I have ever met. I was wondering if you’re going to be at school tomorrow?
Travel Vocabulary
Day 2
New Words:
blanch stalwart opaque gastronomic bough
The Intrepid Traveler
How many times have you been traveling and encountered a serious gastronomic challenge? Mine came to be while hiking in the islands off of Panama. Two children were ahead of me on the trail picking, what looked like, succulent guava. I decided to take off my pack and help. I climbed up the bough and tossed the fruit to children below. As a thank you, they offered me one of the fruits. As I bit in I immediately blanched. The fruit was wiggling. I tried to keep a stalwart expression but it was of no use. As I realized I had bitten into a ball full of maggots I could feel my eyes closing, my body going limp, and an opaque darkness surrounding me.
Sample sentences: Try your hand now at using your new words by writing them in their correct form (change endings if necessary) in these sentences:
1. The campfire scouts ______________ when they stumbled across the haunted restroom.
2. The cook wanted the patrons of the upscale restaurant to venture on a ________ journey with each bite.
3. The _________ knight looked the dragon in the eye unflinching.
4. The girl climbed up the highest____________ of the tree to see the sunset.
5. The thunderstorms above caused the sky to become ______________.
Definitions: Match the new words with their dictionary meanings.
6. ___ blanch a. not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light
7. ___ stalwart b. a branch of a tree
8. ___ opaque c. to whiten by removing color
9. ___ gastronomic d. strong and brave; valiant; uncompromising
10. ___ bough e. the art or science of good eating
Today’s Homophone
ACCEPT- to receive
The grandmother accepted the key to the city after saving the kittens.
Accepting compliments are an important part of growing up
EXCEPT- other than
I like all the ice cream flavors except the pork surprise.
The vocabulary test was really easy except for the students who did not study.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Student Survey
Customs: Introduction
1. Are you fluent in any languages besides English? Is English your second language? (If yes, how long have you been speaking/reading English?)
2. Which aspects of your personality will you rely on most throughout this school year? Explain.
3. Was Language Arts class last year too hard, too easy, or just right? Explain.
4. Why did you choose to enroll in I.H.S.? Explain. (As always, please be honest.)
5. Do you like to read? What was the last book you read on your own?
6. What helps you learn? What activity or technique has helped you in the past?
7. Do you have good study habits? Yes? No? Explain.
8. Do you have any special conditions that I should be aware of? For example, eyesight, hearing, dyslexia, blood sugar, etc.? How can I help?
9. What are your hobbies? Are you planning to participate in extracurricular activities before or after school?
10. Do you speak up in class during discussions? If you don’t, why not?
11. Finish this sentence: To be honest, the best way to motivate me to do well in this class is . . . . . . . . . . (fill in and explain)
12. Please write any questions or concerns that you have. Also, you may use this space to respond further to any question listed above.
Customs: Introduction
1. Are you fluent in any languages besides English? Is English your second language? (If yes, how long have you been speaking/reading English?)
2. Which aspects of your personality will you rely on most throughout this school year? Explain.
3. Was Language Arts class last year too hard, too easy, or just right? Explain.
4. Why did you choose to enroll in I.H.S.? Explain. (As always, please be honest.)
5. Do you like to read? What was the last book you read on your own?
6. What helps you learn? What activity or technique has helped you in the past?
7. Do you have good study habits? Yes? No? Explain.
8. Do you have any special conditions that I should be aware of? For example, eyesight, hearing, dyslexia, blood sugar, etc.? How can I help?
9. What are your hobbies? Are you planning to participate in extracurricular activities before or after school?
10. Do you speak up in class during discussions? If you don’t, why not?
11. Finish this sentence: To be honest, the best way to motivate me to do well in this class is . . . . . . . . . . (fill in and explain)
12. Please write any questions or concerns that you have. Also, you may use this space to respond further to any question listed above.
Parent Letter
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am really excited and honored to be working with your student this year. I believe that through strong communication we can help your student grow immensely throughout their Global Literature experience. Please take time to read over your students syllabus to see what we are going to be up to this year. In addition, I welcome you to follow your student’s assignments and deadlines through our class blog throughout the year. This website will give you information regarding what we covered each day, homework assignments, extra credit, and timelines. You may view this at:
And now a word about writing............
Writing will take place in many forms in ninth grade:
In ninth grade at the International High School, writing is a fundamental focus of the curriculum. We are strong believers that students must have solid basic writing skills to be successful in school and in the upcoming world of work.
Not all writing is graded; much is for practice. Students will keep writings in their notebook or in a portfolio to review development throughout the year. Check students’ assignment notebooks for homework.
The process
* prewriting (brainstorming, webbing, discussing)
* writing conferences
* asking questions
* rereading writing (out loud and silently) to judge its completeness, clarity, and thoughtfulness
* rough draft expected (to be used as a teaching tool)
* evidence of revision/ editing required
* following required draft guidelines
* developing self-discipline, willingness to take risks
Final Draft Guidelines
1. Ink (black/blue) on white lined paper or typed (standard font style, size 10 or 12, double spaced)
2. Writing on one side of paper
3. Left and right margins followed
4. Heading at top right corner including: name (first and last), section number, and date
5. Title as required
6. Students must submit a draft; if it is completed on a computer, an early copy must be printed out and revisions should be shown on it.
Writing criteria vary depending on the assignment. We will discuss the expectations and will look at models of good writing. We will base grading in part on content and development of the assignment and in the traditional areas of written language mechanics (sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar).
Suggestions for parents:
- Have students read writing out loud to you
- Ask questions, make suggestions
- Resist the urge to write for them
- Read writing in all subject areas
I am looking forward to working with you this year,
Caleb Kostechka
Global Literature teacher
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns so I may address them right away.
Office: 687-3438 Churchill Campus
687-3171 Sheldon Campus
I am really excited and honored to be working with your student this year. I believe that through strong communication we can help your student grow immensely throughout their Global Literature experience. Please take time to read over your students syllabus to see what we are going to be up to this year. In addition, I welcome you to follow your student’s assignments and deadlines through our class blog throughout the year. This website will give you information regarding what we covered each day, homework assignments, extra credit, and timelines. You may view this at:
And now a word about writing............
Writing will take place in many forms in ninth grade:
In ninth grade at the International High School, writing is a fundamental focus of the curriculum. We are strong believers that students must have solid basic writing skills to be successful in school and in the upcoming world of work.
Not all writing is graded; much is for practice. Students will keep writings in their notebook or in a portfolio to review development throughout the year. Check students’ assignment notebooks for homework.
The process
* prewriting (brainstorming, webbing, discussing)
* writing conferences
* asking questions
* rereading writing (out loud and silently) to judge its completeness, clarity, and thoughtfulness
* rough draft expected (to be used as a teaching tool)
* evidence of revision/ editing required
* following required draft guidelines
* developing self-discipline, willingness to take risks
Final Draft Guidelines
1. Ink (black/blue) on white lined paper or typed (standard font style, size 10 or 12, double spaced)
2. Writing on one side of paper
3. Left and right margins followed
4. Heading at top right corner including: name (first and last), section number, and date
5. Title as required
6. Students must submit a draft; if it is completed on a computer, an early copy must be printed out and revisions should be shown on it.
Writing criteria vary depending on the assignment. We will discuss the expectations and will look at models of good writing. We will base grading in part on content and development of the assignment and in the traditional areas of written language mechanics (sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar).
Suggestions for parents:
- Have students read writing out loud to you
- Ask questions, make suggestions
- Resist the urge to write for them
- Read writing in all subject areas
I am looking forward to working with you this year,
Caleb Kostechka
Global Literature teacher
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns so I may address them right away.
Office: 687-3438 Churchill Campus
687-3171 Sheldon Campus
Basmati letter
Dear Parent and Guardians,
In addition to posting my assignments and lessons on-line, I will now be offering the ability for you and your student to check grades and turned in work on-line. This is accomplished through the South Eugene High School server using a program called “Basmati”. To access these grades please go to:
Please bookmark this website on your server. You will be required to enter your students ID number and a password that is going home with this letter. You may also find a link to this website at the South Eugene High School home page ( or at my blog (
Although there may be some turn around for writing assignment grades, you will always be able to check if your student has all their work in. The code “mi” indicates that I have not received this assignment. The code “cr” means that I have received the assignment but have not yet entered a grade. The code “*” indicates that I have not yet checked off which students have completed this assignment.
I hope that with the blog and the on-line grade book we can work together to help your student have a successful transition to the ninth grade. Please feel free to email with any questions.
Caleb Kostechka
Student ID #:____________________________
Please detach and return for with a copy of your grade print out for credit
________________________________ ____________________________________
Student name (Please print) Parent signature
In addition to posting my assignments and lessons on-line, I will now be offering the ability for you and your student to check grades and turned in work on-line. This is accomplished through the South Eugene High School server using a program called “Basmati”. To access these grades please go to:
Please bookmark this website on your server. You will be required to enter your students ID number and a password that is going home with this letter. You may also find a link to this website at the South Eugene High School home page ( or at my blog (
Although there may be some turn around for writing assignment grades, you will always be able to check if your student has all their work in. The code “mi” indicates that I have not received this assignment. The code “cr” means that I have received the assignment but have not yet entered a grade. The code “*” indicates that I have not yet checked off which students have completed this assignment.
I hope that with the blog and the on-line grade book we can work together to help your student have a successful transition to the ninth grade. Please feel free to email with any questions.
Caleb Kostechka
Student ID #:____________________________
Please detach and return for with a copy of your grade print out for credit
________________________________ ____________________________________
Student name (Please print) Parent signature
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